Before becoming a madrich*a on one of our machanot and thus part of our great team, you have to go through a youth leader training. In addition to pedagogical focal points, the trainees are also taught religious and societal topics. Important Jewish values such as Tikkun Olam (improvement/reparation of the world) are just as much part of the training as professional legal training and the practical application of the learned methods for implementing programs. At the same time, the prospective leaders learn how to deal with responsibility and how to create great things in a team with others.
For quality assurance, we are always guided by the requirements of the JuLeiCa (German wide Youth Leader Card). In continuous international exchange, we consult with other Netzer sniffim (Netzer groups) in order to continue to perfect our training so that the training time is used as effectively as possible.
In addition to the machanot, planning and conducting various seminars for volunteers and volunteers in training is one of the important tasks of the Netzer Germany e.V. youth movement. The seminars are advanced training seminars for all volunteers who have already been to the machanot. A seminar usually lasts a weekend and deals with cultural, Jewish religious and secular topics, among other things. The aim is to have a seminar take place once a quarter, with the seminar in the fourth quarter also serving the general assembly (Veida) Netzer Germany e.V.In addition to the regular seminars, a training seminar for new madrichim*ot takes place once a year. There, the prospective madrichim*ot learn everything they need to be leaders on machane.
The largest part of the work of the volunteers, Madrichim*ot, of Netzer Germany e.V. (NeGeV) is the organization of machanot. These are summer and winter camps for Jewish children and youth from all over Germany between the ages of 8 and 17. The children have a variety of opportunities to get to know the Jewish religion and culture in a playful, creative and informative way. Each machanot has a theme, which is somehow rooted in the key values of NeGeV
In addition to the nationwide machanot, we also organize mini-machanot. These are thematically similar, but as the name suggests, a shortened version of the machane and are usually limited to children and youth from one federal state or from a similar geographical area. They are mostly organized in partnership with local Jewish congregations.